Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Mammoth Story

Brought to us by National Geographic's totally awesome programming, a new special called Waking the Baby Mammoth is set to air on Sunday, April 29th at 9pm.

"Only a handful have ever been found before. But none like her. Her name is Lyuba. A one-month-old baby mammoth, she walked the tundra about 40,000 years ago and then died mysteriously. Discovered by a reindeer herder, she miraculously re-appeared on a riverbank in northwestern Siberia in 2007. She is the most perfectly preserved woolly mammoth ever discovered. And she has mesmerized the scientific world with her arrival - creating headlines across the globe. Everyone wants to know... how did she die? What can she tell us about life during the ice age and the Earth's changing climate? Will scientists be able to extract her DNA, and what secrets will it uncover?"

It's a Wrap

I recently watched a show on the Green Network produced by the Discovery Channel called Project Earth. On this show they figure out ways to combat the deterioration of our planet. The episode I saw was called Wrapping Greenland, where climatologist Jason Box offers a plan to prevent glaciers from melting by covering them with blankets that will reflect the sun.

Couldn't hurt to try right?

Earth Day is Every Day!

Happy day, Earth!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ohhh America

God Bless the U.S.ay?

Monday, April 20, 2009

I want you to draw me wearing this...only this

A very talented artist created this masterpiece. Proud would be an understatement.